Thursday, August 26, 2010

Unobstructed and Fantastic

a teenage caucasian female babysitter tries to handle the stress of watching three children
(Perfect picture...even kind of looks like my kids and babysitter:)

I was thinking about what has been going on in our lives that I could blog as I went about my day. Picking up, cleaning, picking up, getting Jo off the kitchen table, grabbing the puppy as she races by my feet (who let the dog in AGAIN!), picking up, getting Jo off the kitchen table....getting the puppy's head unstuck from the soccer net (actually happened) get the point! So anyway, the idea popped into my head...babysitter. So I ask you...why?....why do they take every freedom when they are left alone with a babysitter. Wild and free are the two words that best describe them. When I look in my thesaurus a variety of synonyms pop out at me that best describe my children. Wild: untamed, feral, frenzied, mad, crazy, unruly and unobstructed. Free: independent,open,unregulated,immune,exempt,lax and fantastic. Why am I looking in a thesaurus you ask? Because I forget how to talk when I am with children 24 hours a day and my vocabulary is limited to NO and Good Job. Although I have been answering "Why?" every 30 seconds for the last week. And no, I am not to the "BECAUSE" response...yet. But, I do feel it coming!
Last night I had the privilege of volunteering at a fundraiser for a great couple. The key word being volunteer..meaning help, which I can not do with three children in tow. So I called one of my wonderful babysitters that I can totally count on and she was willing to help me out. She actually sounded excited which makes me wonder about her sanity.
When I got home Wade had already gotten home from work and took over kids duties. Then....I start to look around. Nothing serious, the babysitter does a wonderful job, don't get me wrong and the best part, they have FUN!
But....little things pop out, it appears we have used up a gallon of GAZILLION BUBBLES in less than 3 hours, made a giant...messy fort, made coffee in the bathroom (who doesn't do that?), taken a shower..together, instead of a bath (the ceiling had already dried). I just have to laugh! I can just hear them now, "Mom always lets us eat a bag of marshmallows for dessert!"
In a few years it will just be a wonderful memory...for now, I think I need to pay the babysitter more or she may never come back.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Busting thru the brush!

circa 1965:  A barber tries to divert a child's attention with a rocking horse chair, in order to neaten his hair.  (Photo by Susan Schiff Faludi/Three Lions/Getty Images)
I was thinking today about when I was little and my sister and I would play outside all day long in the pasture. We would gently push down the grass and brush and make paths to little rooms and play house, it was a wonderful place and our imaginations ran wild!

I just have always been one to follow the crowd to an extent, but then wind off on a side road and meet back up down the path or put on the brakes when I didn't think something was a good idea, which happened a lot with my sister:) Lots of stories about that...they may be future blog topics.

It seems to me that Nate may end up being a lot like me. He has his own interests and follows them, but at the same time tries to not stray too much from the norm to be a geek or a weirdo. I was always a little on the geeky side and to be honest never fit in a certain crowd, which was kind of a good place to be and didn't work out so bad in the long run.

Now Jake on the other hand...where did this boy come from? He has been one of a kind from the get go. A little over 9 1/2lbs when he was born, colic for a year, opinionated as all get out. He is such a free spirit which I love, tells you how he is feeling, won't let it fester and is happy pretty darn near 99% of the time. He will be a great husband and father with such a kind heart.
Which brings me to the point of this blog. His desires change daily and he always shares them with me. I remember a year ago when he said that when he grows up he wants to marry me and live with me. Then after a little talk he said he was going to marry a girl he falls in love with after he goes to college and build a house next to mine.:) Then we moved on to farmer, rancher or farmer and rancher. Just this week he decided he wanted to be a McDonald's cooker (he loves McDonald's). And the ask?

I was paying the bills today and I hear from the other room," Mom...I am being a HAIR CUTTER and Jo is sitting still!" You can imagine the pictures that flashed through my mind, no bangs, left side missing....right side missing and a bald spot on top...bald spot on top and no bangs...the possibilities are endless! So I flew into the kitchen (the longest second of my life) to find Jo sitting proudly in her big brothers booster chair, hands folded nicely in her lap and a big grin on her face. Jake...looks at me and drops the scissors and the beautiful brown lock. To my surprise (I will never tell him this) he didn't do too bad of job. No big holes, but enough hair on the ground to see that he had "thinned" it a little!

So the moral of this story.....Jake has yet to discover his "path" in life, but I am quite sure he will not get there by gently pushing down the grass, he is going to be busting through the brush at 100 miles an hour with a big grin on his face!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spidey Strikes Again!

Spidey went for a ride on his yellow and red racing motorcycle today! Jake said he was "ripping up the field" (aka the red rug in front of the door).

Opposites Attract

It seems our new puppy and I have quite a bit in common! She likes gardening and T-Ball:)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to the Basics

Every once in a while I read a quote or saying that really stops me in my tracks and makes me think. Today...was one of those days!

"If a child is given love, he becomes loving...If he's helped when he needs help, he becomes helpful. And if he has been truly valued at home...he grows up secure enough to look beyond himself to the welfare of others." -Dr. Joyce Brothers

This really made me think. The things I see the kids doing that I dislike...I do. How can I expect them to do otherwise?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Dingo!

"Mom....stop the car.....I just saw a dingo! In a yard!" My response, "Nate, we are late to swimming lessons, we can't stop, oh and aren't dingos those wild dogs that live in Africa or something?" The minute it came out of my mouth I was correcting myself in my head...not Africa Ange, duh, it is Australia. Then from the backseat, "Mom..not AFRICA, it's Australia. Oh, and did you know that you could domesticate a dingo? Did you know that mom? And the kids in Australia pick up sticks and boards to make themselves look bigger if they see a dingo. Ya see, Dingos don't eat anything that is bigger than they are and the board will make the kid look bigger." I didn't say it, but I was thinking... and he wanted me to stop so he could get out and see the dingo. I would guess that he was counting on it being a "domesticated" dingo!:)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Strap up and Hang on!

Hang on Spidey! Jake's favorite thing to do lately...strap poor old Scuba Spidey on really good (at least three rubberbands required) and let er' rip. Poor guy did some tractor work today he even took a few rides down the slide! It makes me smile to hear him out in the yard making his motor sounds...which are endless.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Girl in the Box

So...Jake just came into the house from the garden with mud and grass all over his shoes. When (type A mom) I say, "Jake freeze, you have mud!" He proceeds to "freeze" and then decides to take care of that mud and grass and wipe his feet right where he stands! Fixed! What was I worried about..right? Anyway, he comes in toting a bag full of all his abundant harvest from the garden. I really love that they enjoy being in the garden however..the bags of 2" long zucchini and 1" long green beans combined with a few beautiful raspberries (with pees stuffed in the middle, I've heard they are better that way!) doesn't go very far for a family of five. I would really be happy with maybe a 8" long zucchini or 4" green bean, I'm just saying. It is so hard to WAIT for it to grow! So back to my story... He pulls out his bag and hands over the 3" long summer squash with a big smile and says, "Mom, I got you a squash. But, I think it is just enough for maybe you and dad, maybe Nate. I know it's not big enough for me to have any! But, that's OK, I know you like it a lot." And, that is when it hits me, looking at his little smile that has turned into a half-smirk. He is intentionally picking them just big enough that there is "just not enough" for him. So thoughtful of him to give up his share, Little twirp! So then he says, "What you doing?" I say,"Making jam and listening to music on my I-pod." Jake says with much contemplation, while looking at the I-pod speaker, " did you fit the girl in the little box and make her sing?" Sometimes, I just don't know how to answer his questions! What do you say to that? "I don't know honey, but maybe she is hungry. Why don't you feed her one of those 1" green beans!:)