Thursday, August 26, 2010

Unobstructed and Fantastic

a teenage caucasian female babysitter tries to handle the stress of watching three children
(Perfect picture...even kind of looks like my kids and babysitter:)

I was thinking about what has been going on in our lives that I could blog as I went about my day. Picking up, cleaning, picking up, getting Jo off the kitchen table, grabbing the puppy as she races by my feet (who let the dog in AGAIN!), picking up, getting Jo off the kitchen table....getting the puppy's head unstuck from the soccer net (actually happened) get the point! So anyway, the idea popped into my head...babysitter. So I ask you...why?....why do they take every freedom when they are left alone with a babysitter. Wild and free are the two words that best describe them. When I look in my thesaurus a variety of synonyms pop out at me that best describe my children. Wild: untamed, feral, frenzied, mad, crazy, unruly and unobstructed. Free: independent,open,unregulated,immune,exempt,lax and fantastic. Why am I looking in a thesaurus you ask? Because I forget how to talk when I am with children 24 hours a day and my vocabulary is limited to NO and Good Job. Although I have been answering "Why?" every 30 seconds for the last week. And no, I am not to the "BECAUSE" response...yet. But, I do feel it coming!
Last night I had the privilege of volunteering at a fundraiser for a great couple. The key word being volunteer..meaning help, which I can not do with three children in tow. So I called one of my wonderful babysitters that I can totally count on and she was willing to help me out. She actually sounded excited which makes me wonder about her sanity.
When I got home Wade had already gotten home from work and took over kids duties. Then....I start to look around. Nothing serious, the babysitter does a wonderful job, don't get me wrong and the best part, they have FUN!
But....little things pop out, it appears we have used up a gallon of GAZILLION BUBBLES in less than 3 hours, made a giant...messy fort, made coffee in the bathroom (who doesn't do that?), taken a shower..together, instead of a bath (the ceiling had already dried). I just have to laugh! I can just hear them now, "Mom always lets us eat a bag of marshmallows for dessert!"
In a few years it will just be a wonderful memory...for now, I think I need to pay the babysitter more or she may never come back.

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